Asking Price
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Gross Revenue
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Cash Flow
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A New Zealand fireplace company with top-of-the-line products is expanding into North America following significant success in New Zealand and Australia. The first three locations will be in the Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, British Columbia metropolitan areas. The exclusive dealer opportunity includes comprehensive marketing, sales, and operations support. The fireplace "studios" provide a gallery format, exclusive brands, and an end-to-end personalized sales experience that has proved to be exceptional and highly profitable in the targeted market niche. The owner will enjoy an exclusive geography and exclusive brands. The owner does not need to carry inventory. This is not a franchise. Established stores in major metropolitan areas are earning annual revenues in the $2.5-4.0M range with strong profitability. SE11031
Reason for Selling
Launch authorized dealership
The Company provides extensive training in all aspects of the studio operation. The Company handles most advertising, working in concert with the owner. Locally based field support complements headquarters-based support services.
The studio owner will work closely with the Company to design and build out a property in a mutually agreed high-end retail location. Typical studio size is 3,000-3,500 square feet. The owner will be responsible for the studio build-out cost which may be partially offset by tenant improvement allowances. Inventory is locally warehoused and managed by the Company.
Blaine, WA
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