Donn Bree & Meriah Druliner with the Red Hawk Realty Team specialize in representing clients in the purchase & sale of commercial & investment properties, vacant land, ranches & farms, agricultural & recreational properties & environmental mitigation land. With over 30 years of entrusted real estate experience, Red Hawk Realty provides knowledge & guidance for varying market conditions, current real estate trends, inventory, & area information.
Licensed In
Acquisition and disposition of commercial and investment properties, residential and vacant land, ranches and farms, agricultural and recreational properties, and environmental mitigation land.
Areas Served
- California
Leaders in Lifestyle Real Estate - Donn Bree & Meriah Druliner with the Red Hawk Realty Team specialize in representing clients in the purchase and sale of residential, vacant land, ranches, farms, agricultural, recreational, commercial, investment and environmental mitigation properties. With over 30 years of entrusted real estate experience, Red Hawk Realty provides knowledge and guidance for varying market conditions, current real estate trends, inventory, and area information with a strong emphasis on personalized client services. Contact Red Hawk Realty for help with all your real estate needs.
Donn Bree & Meriah Druliner

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