BBB or Budget Business Brokers is a Main Street and Lower Middle Market businesses advisory firm that is in collaboration with Intercap USA for Middle Market Mergers and Acquisition transactions. Both companies are lead by Lou Sabbagh with over 31 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry, 10 years of those as an account and sales manager based in Houston. Lou has a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from the U of K. His oil and gas career extended to several international and domestic operations and management positions. His entrepreneurial experience gained from establishing and selling an importing and distributing business in New York State, running a consulting business, owning and selling a small service business, and others businesses in Houston. In the past few years, he owned and ran a consulting business and had the opportunity to be associate with a leading business brokerage firm. This gives him the firsthand knowledge of what sellers and buyers want and need.
Moreover, his passion is to help small business owners to succeed and get the most out of their investments, efforts, and achievements by establishing and/or running a small business.
Most importantly, he operates by the Golden Rule that delivers professionalism, honestly, and transparency. His goal always is to engage in win-win deals regardless of personal benefits or gains.
Budget Business Brokers serves the whole State of Texas and the neighboring states with focus on the following Counties: Harris, Fort Bend, Austin, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, Grimes, Hardin, Jackson, Jesper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Tyler, Walker, Waller, Washington, and Wharton. And Ector, Midland, Andrews, Glasscock, Martin, Reagan, Upton in West Texas.
For my detailed experience please check my Linkedin profile through this link
Lou and Nicole Sabbagh provide a strong service and support team to both businesses sellers and buyers. This include all types of businesses whether they are sold with or without commercial real estate included in the transaction. Moreover, Nicole provides real estate support to all members of the BBB team. BBB team also support buyers wishing to apply for investors visa through their professional network.
Lou also advises on a variety of business matters including: Business sale (represent sellers), business acquisition (represent buyers), business evaluations (BOV), mergers and acquisitions, financing referral, franchising sales, business restructuring, cost reduction, process development and implementation, technical sales matters, operations planning and management.
His oil & gas experience and running his own businesses qualify him to advise and consult on variety of businesses including technical related businesses, consumer services, manufacturing, construction, hospitality, food, and medical related businesses.
Areas Served
- Texas
Lou Sabbagh

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